Warning: 2016 PowerBTC is scam


A scam operation misusing bitcoins is promoted world wide through major news sites and PR agencies (including Yahoo Finances, and financial sites like Nasdaq.com).

Warning: 2016 PowerBTC is scam

And a new film “Greed” plays a personal part in this story

A scam operation misusing bitcoins is promoted world wide through major news sites and PR agencies (including Yahoo Finances, and financial sites like Nasdaq.com).
Please google PowerBTC and you´ll find world wide nice, positive formulated PR on this operation, that promises a 10% win within 48 hours, if one is willing to sell some bitcoins through their system.

Warning: PowerBTC is scam. Maybe you´d like to warn the world wide community of PowerBTC as scam? Please pass this story on.

My story is short, simple and about greed.

My first transaction with PowerBTC.com paid 16% within 20 hours. That was last Monday. On Tuesday my thinking went back and forth for hours: ”is this just great or is it a warning? Any “free lunch” normally comes with some kind of indirect bill … but still, maybe the promised 10% or more will work a second time.“

Tuesday evening I vent for a second try, rising the bet. It was too good to be true.

On Friday, after about 60 hours (payment is promised within 48 hours), the email customer service of PowerBTC said that my Paypal account refuses to accept its payment. On the phone with Paypal´s customer service Germany this was denied. My account is not flagged. The emails for clarification went back and forth between Berlin and New York, where PowerBTC claims to be based. The emails stated that their financial department was trying to pay and that they had tried from four different Paypal accounts.

Somewhere in there was also a suggestion that I could rise my transaction to all together 2 BTC (~$ 1200.-). Then a bank transfer should be possible, and PowerBTC would cover for all charges.

Hmm, sounds familiar doesn't it? Blame the problem on a third party, appear willing to solve the issue, keep the communication up until a certain personal friendliness and rapport slides into the email communication. Then suggest a possible solution through a bigger investment. Make that suggestion sound like a personal favour.
I suppose that is a most classical fraud scheme, isn't it?

After three calls with Paypal I had enough hints to probe a bit deeper with PowerBTC. I even opened a second Paypal account. Suddenly the email communication with PowerBTC died on Friday afternoon.

It´s now Saturday. I called the PowerBTC telephone service this morning. “Yes, we do have some problems with the payouts.” The guy promised some kind of solution in the near future. “Sir, let me call you back once it´s fixed.” But he didn't ask for my name, transaction number or telephone number.
I think that´s called “buying time”.

I decided to define “near future” and made them a promise: “Pay me my money back within three hours and I´ll just forget about PowerBTC. If you don´t, I´ll use the coming 48 hours to rise hell in any forum, blog and news service. You will be out of operation by Monday morning.”

That is my promise to PowerBTC. They have it in writing and verbally.


Update Saturday afternoon. Someone from PowerBTC answered on my email (in which I informed them about this whole text):

Quote: "Dude open your fucking eyes ... we are already reported everywhere ... If you want to make money work with us get us victims and we give you 50 % share ... and please pass the part when your saying to return back you funds .... consider that money an opportunity to meet us ."

Next to the email address info at powerbtc.com I have two more email addresses through the first paypal payment, and the paypal account PowerBTC said would pay me the second time. I've reached out to these two people via email and Facebook, trying to find out if their paypal accounts are hacked and misused by PowerBTC. Or if these two people are involved in the scam.

Maybe someone in the States like to file an official complaint? I´d be most happy to give my testimony.

That is also why I reach out to you. You can help stop PowerBTC. I don't know how many thousand dollars and euros are being pumped into the PowerBTC system by other greedy guys like me. But I´ll do my work to minimize it. Maybe you like to help out.

#Bitcoin 10 percent win overnight through PowerBTC is #scam. #PowerBTCscamIsSoonDown. Read details here (link to this very page).

Coincidence ?
“Greed” is a 85 minute film to be released on the 18th of September.
“It’s a deadly sin and a whim of nature. It motivates us and threatens to ruin us... The insatiable desire for more: It’s the motor that drives our world – and puts it in danger.”

The film will be released in English, German, Arabic and Spanish. I happened to be at the screening in Berlin a few days ago. It´s to be broadcasted in Germany several times in the coming weeks and in English on Monday the 19th, see this link for details

I´m Ola, a Swedish born Berlin based DJ and entertainer since many years. Thrilled by any issue on evolution and as someone who in young years worked for a interest free Swedish bank operation (the Members Bank JAK), the issue of a “possible update of the money system through cryptocurrencies” caught my interested in May this year. I bought my first bitcoins end of June. After probably 300 hours of reading, researching , thinking and trying to understand what to actually do with these bitcoins … well, finally end of August I started investing.

My day trading skills aren't good enough to do something on my own, so I kept my eyes open for.., well, Online solutions. Soon the “100% in 200 days” was just too slow, I wanted more and quicker. I found the HYIPs online and realised that that is basicly gambling on time and stupidity. PowerBTC slipped my internal screening and warning systems.
It looks like the 0.6 BTC are gone.

If reading this saved you from any stupid “investment”, feel free to tip me at: 3CbHsDEte7T5zBcp55kdyzKCAF23BxTnm6

Take care  

My story goes on: Scam alert - and then? Legal and moral responsibilities

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